The collection was born from an open call that collected over 400 entries. The selection has been made by the panel of judges together with the team of Global Health 50/50. A word of appreciation belongs to Marion Lynch, a global health consultant and passionate advocate for gender equality, who steered the judging process and enlightened with inspirational and insightful conversations, and Manisha Nepal, a volunteer who enthusiastically helped with the dissemination of the open call to ensure a wide range of submissions.

We are grateful to our panel of Judges who helped shape the final collection. Zahra Joya, an Afghan journalist and a founder of Rukhshana Media, Marion Lynch, an expert in integrating the arts into health and enabling others to do the same, Prof Thirusha Naidu, Head of Clinical Psychology at King Dinuzulu Hospital and an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and Public Health in Durban, South Africa, Altaf Qadri, an award-winning photojournalist based in New Delhi, India and Wanderley Santos, a Brazilian intercultural psychotherapist currently practicing between Brazil and University of Oxford. 


Zahra Joya is an Afghan journalist who was born in 1992 in Bamyan province and she has been working as a journalist in Afghanistan since 2011. She has worked on women's and children's stories and has also written investigative reports. During her journey as a reporter, Joya was often the only female reporter in the newsroom. In 2020, she decided to create Rukhshana Media through personal savings. She chose the name of her news agency Rukhshana after a 19-year-old Afghan girl who ran away from home in Ghor province for a forced marriage and was stoned to death by the Taliban in 2015.

Zahra Joya was evacuated to Britain in August 2021 after the fall of Afghanistan. She managed Rukhshann Media for a year from her room at the  Hotel in London. Zahra Joya was chosen as one of the 12 women of 2022 by Time magazine because of her work. She received the freedom of expression award from the city of Valencia, Spain, and the changemaker award from the Bill Gates Foundation.


Marion is a global health consultant and advocate for gender equality. She is an experienced system leader with more then 40 years of operational and strategic experience in designing, delivering, and leading programmes in healthcare, medical education, global health systems strengthening and quality improvement. She is an expert in integrating the arts into health and enabling others to do the same. She works across delivering all of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Her goal is to leverage the potential of all people and systems to improve the quality and safety of health and improve well-being. She amplifies the voices of nurses, which is a female-dominated profession in a male-dominated sector.

In 2022 she was nominated as one of only 200 Global Gates Foundation Goalkeepers and joined the Gates Foundation team in New York as part of the international focus on addressing the SDGs.


Prof Thirusha Naidu is Head of Clinical Psychology at King Dinuzulu Hospital and an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and Public Health in Durban South Africa. Her clinical work focuses on psychotherapy for severe mental disorders and the mental health of healthcare workers. Thirusha’s research interests include Medical Education and Global Health in the context of mental health and infectious diseases (HIV and MDR-TB, FGS etc). Her published work has appeared in The Lancet, Academic Medicine, Advances in Health Sciences Education and Lancet Global Health. She works through a feminist lens, questioning the Western epistemic dominance in research. She has several multinational research collaborations across the Global North and Global South. She is an art enthusiast and a poet. Her poetry has appeared in academic journals.


Working across Asia and beyond, Altaf Qadri, born in Srinagar, Kashmir, is a photojournalist based in New Delhi, India.
Over the course of his career, he has covered everything from political turmoil and cultural interest stories to major natural disasters. As a conflict photographer, he has documented events including street battles in his native Kashmir to full blown international and civil wars such as those in Afghanistan and Libya. His photographs appear daily in a wide range of international publications.

Qadri has won numerous awards and accolades including multiple Photographer of the Year International awards and was a 2007 National Geographic All Roads Fellow.

To impart photojournalism education to people interested in different genres of photography, Qadri co-founded the Visual Photo Academy through which he takes students on photography expeditions and photo workshops. He has lectured at The Aurora Forum at Stanford University, the Los Angeles College of Arts, and the National Geographic Headquarters in Washington DC. He also delivers guest lectures at various universities and colleges across India.


Wanderley Santos is a psychodynamic psychotherapist who specialised in intercultural issues as well as gender and sexuality. He is a counsellor at the Student Welfare and Support Service at the University of Oxford, he is a visiting lecturer Department of Social, Therapeutic and Community Studies (MA Psychdynamic Counselling & Psychotherapy) at Goldsmith, University of London, a psychotherapist facilitator for a workshop concerning race and mental health at the Blam-UK. Wanderley has extensive involvement with the Brazilian community. He works as a volunteer in the Casa do Brasil, a Brazilian charity that gives legal, educational and emotional support to Brazilian citizens. He was a co-convener of the course ‘To Make a Work-Molecular Revolutions in Brazil’ for the Dutch Art Institute Roaming Academy, Arnhem, the Netherlands, in 2015.

Back in Brazil, his home country, Wanderley holds a degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology (treatment and prevention) at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. There, he had worked for more than ten years supporting communities in deprived areas to help them to find solutions for the challenges they were facing. He has dedicated more than 20 years researching how structured racism affects communities and people’s wellbeing.

This is Gender (In)Equality 2023