by Cynthia Eisenberg
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2019

Winner in the category This is Gender (In)Equality and Work 

In the bustling city, at the peak of the workday, a ritual unfolds. Women, immersed in the masculine-dominated public spaces of the city, pause to give lunchtime instructions to those caring for their children at home, often other women. The women are painted in bright colours, contrasting with the grey and blurred city: you can almost hear how these women enliven this urban space with their hurried calls. The city and paid employment represent both a haven of independence and autonomy for women but the artwork reminds us that women must continuously navigate between paid work and the often unseen care, for which, in most cases, they are solely responsible.

Cynthia Eisenberg is an Argentinian visual artist, activist, cultural producer and a mother herself.

This is Gender (In)Equality 2023