by Silvia Alessi
Afghanistan, 2023

A blurred red spot. This is what a girl looks like in this harsh part of the world. Afghanistan is a difficult place for women, and this region can be even more hostile. Kyrgyz people live a hard life on a plateau at an altitude of 3,000 metres. Women take care of children, yurts and livestock, whatever the weather, while men are far away from the village. Last year, more than 300 Kyrgyz nomads tried to flee the country and take refuge, but their attempt was unsuccessful and their future is uncertain now with the Taliban in control of the Badakhshan region. The photograph shows an unmarried woman in the traditional red veil but she is out of focus and only visible because of the stark white landscape. A background foregrounding her plight. The photograph emphasises a woman’s lack of status. Her attire might be seen from miles away, however, her humanity and rights are unequal, invisible, and unseen.

Silvia Alessi is an awarded photographer, born in Bergamo, Italy. Her main interest lies in documentary photography. With a strong commitment to ethics and collaboration, she engages with real people and stories to depict their narratives.

This is Gender (In)Equality 2023